Compared with other branches of the fishkeeping hobby, there are very few books specifically on brackish water fishkeeping. My own book covers practically all the fish species currently traded and includes chapters by world-experts on topics such as mudskippers, gobies, and Australian brackish water fishes.
Two others of note are Brackish Aquaria by Michael Gos and Aqualog’s Brackish Water Fishes by Frank Schäfer. The former has been out of print for many years and is difficult to find. Of the two, it is perhaps the simplest and easiest to read, but even so, it contains a fair amount that is at best debatable, and quite probably erroneous. The Aqualog book is excellent but concentrates on species requiring moderate to high salinity, and thus ignores many of the cichlids, livebearers, and other fishes that do well in low-salinity aquaria.
- Brackish Aquaria, by Michael Gos, published by TFH, 1979, ISBN 0-876665199
- Brackish Water Fishes, by Frank Schäfer, published by Aqualog Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-9360-2782-X
- Brackish Water Fishes, edited by Neale Monks, published by TFH, 2006, ISBN 0-7938-0564-3
Other books that cover brackish water species or aquaria as well include the following:
- Aquarium Atlas (vol. 1), by Rüdiger Riehl & Hans Baensch, published by Mergus, 1987, ISBN 3-8824-4050-3 (This book has been revised numerous times, and additional volumes are also available)
- Complete Aquarium, by Peter Scott, published by Dorling Kindersley, 1995, ISBN 0-7894-0013-8
- Pufferfish, by Chris Ralph, published by Interpet, 2003, ISBN 1-8605-4233-6
- The puffers of fresh and brackish waters, by Klaus Ebert, published by Aqualog Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-9317-0260-X